Christianity Knowledge Base

Satan / Devil: The master of deception, evil genius, father of lies, author of sin. Many people believe that abominations and sins are now acceptable to Almighty God. Satan’s former name was Lucifer before his downfall. Lucifer was the high ranking Chief Cherub Angel and Worship Leader. Lucifer persuaded one third of the Angels to follow him in rebellion against Almighty God. They were all defeated and were cursed and reduced to evil spirits (devil and demons) who were cast down to dwell on the earth. This was in the period of the Creation Gap in Genesis chapter 1:1-2. Their numbers may be in the billions. Satan has deceived so many people into believing that he and his demons do not exist. Many are confused about what is good and what is evil, what is right and what is wrong. Satan is the author of this confusion. Just like it was in the days of Noah in the Bible book of Genesis in chapters 6, 7, 8. God told Noah to build the Ark to save him and his family. Noah preached for 120 years warning the people to repent, and they did not believe Noah when he said that it was going to rain and cause a worldwide flood. In the same way all Christians should be sharing the message of Jesus Christ Salvation. All were killed by the great flood. Only eight people entered the Arch of Salvation, Noah and his family. The Ark was symbolic of Jesus Christ Salvation. The wrath of God is held up until the Lord Jesus Christ (God the Son) returns and Rapture the Church. Then after the Rapture occurs, there shall be the Great Tribulation of seven years. The wrath of God shall be poured out upon the Earth. There shall be worldwide catastrophe and great suffering of such magnitude, the world has never known before. These future events are found in the book of Revelation. I believe these are the last days and our Lord Jesus Christ shall be returning soon.

I have written books related to this subject.

